Welcome to PeARL lab website! Our research focuses on developing machine learning algorithms and their application to robot autonomy and physical Human-Robot Interaction. Our group's research interests include Learning from Demonstration, Learning Reactive Behaviors, and Reinforcement Learning.



Most recent publications

  • Skill Acquisition via Automated Multi-Coordinate Cost Balancing [more]
  • Trajectory-based Skill Learning using Generalized Cylinders [more]
  • A Large-Scale Benchmark Study Investigating the Impact of User Experience, Task Complexity, and Start Configuration on Robot Skill Learning [more]


Welcome to PeARL lab website! Our research focuses on developing machine learning algorithms and their application to robot autonomy and physical Human-Robot Interaction. Our group's research interests include Learning from Demonstration, Learning Reactive Behavior, and Reinforcement Learning.

  • Trajectory Learning using Generalized Cylinders (TLGC)

    A Learning from Demonstration approach for trajectory-based skill learning.

  • Visuospatial Skill Learning

    A Learning from Demonstration approach for goal-based skill learning.

  • Failure Recovery for Autonomous Robots

    A direct policy search for discovering new policies to overcome thruster failures in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)